Herbal Therapeutics

Herbal Supplement and Natural Health News Magazine

This is our new location. Please visit us for the latest news in herbal medicine, home remedies and natural health.

Chronicles the ever increasing world of herbal medicine and alternative treatments. Updates on the newest natural supplements and natural cures, discussion on herbal remedies and other herb formulas for health and for treatment of various ailments and conditions.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Weight Loss Herbs Cont - Herbal Phentermine?

You've probably all heard of Phentermine or the infamous Fen Phen, which was a deadly combination of weight loss pharmaceuticals which resulted in a wave of bad publicity for the drug after several people taking the drug had severe heart problems and even died as a direct result of the drug. The thing is, they did lose weight - and in many cases a lot of weight, but it also was so damaging to the heart that many people started cropping up with health complaints. After years of this weight loss drug being banned, some companies have come up with an herbal alternative to Fen Phen, dubbed herbal phentermine. These phentermine alternatives are supposed to be a safe alternative to the likes of Fen Phen for women and men needing to lose a lot of weight. Here are the benefits of Herbal Phentermine over the Real thing: An excellent all natural appetite suppressant

  • Produces exceptional results in its users.
  • Noticeably and consistently curbs cravings, stabilizes the mood and blood sugar
  • Feedback from people who have used the products had extremely positive feedback about its effectiveness.
  • Only 2 of the natural pills a day are administered. The company actually recommends only taking one per day if you initially have any difficulty sleeping if your second dosage is too close to your personal bedtime.
  • No stimulants such as caffeine which may cause nausea or dizziness (or moodiness). No Ma Huang or Ephedra.
  • The time release formula is madeto work all day long, until you go to bed.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Mood Enhancement - Naturally

So, is there really a better and safer herbal or natural way to manage stress, depression and anxiety , which all essentially go hand in hand the majority of the time - naturally and without man-made drugs or narcotics that can become addictive or dangerous to your health? I do think there is. This herbal anxiety and depression remedy actually contains several pure herbs, natural compounds and botanical (originated from certain more potent parts of a plant) ingredients that work in unison to help elevate your mood naturally, balance your natural anti-anxiety and relaxation chemicals in your brain, maintain even blood sugar levels (which believe it or not, has actually produced weight loss and belly fat loss in many who have taken it), and promotes an overall sense of well being and peace, all of which leads to depression relief as well as relief from feelings of stress and anxiety. Customers who have purchased and used this product report an elevated mood, and many times also report somewhat of a loss of appetite and weight loss, due to the products ability to balance the blood sugar and resulting hormones released by the body by blood sugar imbalances, which trigger depression, anxiety, and lead to more over eating. Basically, your blood sugar controls a whole lot more than you probably think. This formula targets receptors thought to cause depression, and naturally regulates them. More on natural mood enhancement next time..

Saturday, February 11, 2006

More Reasons for Alternative Pain Relief Medicines

Merck Pharmaceutical drug company could have warned that its popular painkiller Vioxx might increase the risk of heart attacks as soon as the first evidence showed up, rather than waiting two years for federal approval. Merck says it alerted the FDA in 2000 that a study showed heart attacks occurred five times as often in patients taking Vioxx as those on another drug, called naproxen. BUT the agency didn't approve the label change until April 2002, so consumers were largely unaware of the risks associated with this popular painkiller and arthritis drug. The company pulled the drug from the market in September 2004, after another study showed that it could double the risk of heart attacks. DOUBLING the risk of heart attacks is obviously an unacceptable risk, and just another reason so many people are turning to alternative pain relief medicines. I really suggest that is you have chronic pain, to look into alternative pain managagement, as a matter of fact there are some links to the right in this blog that have some excellent pain killer alternatives. I encourage you to take a look if you're in this boat...

More on Phytoestrogens for Women

The dicitonary definition of phytoestrogens is one of the following: A naturally occurring compound of plants, such as soybeans, or plant products, such as whole grain cereals, that acts like estrogen in the body. or a chemical compound (as genistein) that occurs naturally in plants and has estrogenic properties Genisteing is mentioned in one of the definitions above. Genistein is actually a very powerful form of phytoestrogen, and there has even been much interest in the possible cancer treatment and prevention properties of the Genistein strain of phytoestrogens. Genistein is defined as the following: An isoflavone C15H10O5 found especially in soybeans and shown in laboratory experiments to have antitumor activity And in the CancerWeb definition they have this to say about the Genisteing (soybean derived form) of phytoestrogens: An isoflavonoid derived from soy products. It inhibits protein-tyrosine kinase and topoisomerase-II (DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing)) activity and is used as an antineoplastic and antitumour agent. Experimentally, it has been shown to induce g2 phase arrest in human and murine cell lines. Pharmacological action: anticarcinogenic agents, antineoplastic agent, enzyme inhibitors, growth inhibitors, parasympatholytics.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Phytoestrogens Many Uses - The Female Herb

Phytoestrogen - a Definition: Phytoestrogens are plant derived, organic compounds that actually closely mock the activities of the female hormone estrogen in a woman's body. Phytoestrogens can be found in some of the foods we eat, but are increasingly in demand as female supplements and specially formulated creams specifically targeted toward breast development and health, menopause symptom relief, and other hormonally related issues which require additional estrogen therapy and introduction into the blood stream to be balanced. How Phytoestrogens Can Help to Naturally Balance Female Hormones How can we use phytoestrogenic organic compounds to our benefit in the possible additional development of breasts, as a hormonal balancer for menopausal symptoms, and as a healthy, preventative addition to our diet for when our hormones are diminished such as at menopause, or during periods of extreme stress? Phytoestrogens are also quickly becoming the buzz as an alternative to medical (and reportedly dangerous and experimental) hormone replacement therapy for women going through menopause and women experiencing chronic hormonal imbalances needing the addition of natural hormones into their diet or otherwise (supposedly some formulas may be absorbed and utilized transdermally, such as with specially formulated creams, serums and gels). The actual term "phytoestrogen" is derived from the word "phyto", meaning plant, and then "estrogen" is because of the compound's innate ability to control and/or mimic estrogenic activity in the body. It is important to know that although phytoestrogens may have some similar actions to estrogens, they are not the same as the true hormonal estrogens that our bodies produce. Phytoestrogens are actually a group of natural chemical compoundsoccuring in nature in certain plants, which influence our own estrogen activity by closely mimicking it's effects in the female body.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

ADHD Drug Linked to Deaths - More Reasons for Natural Treatment Altnernatives

In another blow to the pharmaceutical industry, and perhaps a boon to the natural and herbal alternative industry, the FDA announced a startling find that popular ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults) drugs were linked to several deaths. In a move to protect the general public, and FDA advisory panel voted in favor of the "black box" warning after hearing about the deaths of 25 people, including 19 children, who had taken the drugs. The vote was 8-7, with one abstention. One committee member in particular, Dr. Curt Furberg, a professor of public health sciences at the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, said it would be "inappropriate, unethical behavior" not to disclose that there was medical and side effect uncertainty about the safety of the drugs, especially since several deaths were linked to the drugs. Doctors prescribe popular ADHD pharmaceutical drugs to about 2 million children and 1 million adults a month. The specific family of drugs that would have to have warnings are Ritalin (the most well known ADD drug on the market), Concerta, Methylin and Metadate. Adderall and Adderall XR, both amphetamines, have included these warnings since 2004. The Drug Safety and Risk Management advisory committee also recommended that the ADHD drugs include a medication guide for patients and parents. I will put more posts up about alternative therapy and treatment for ADD and ADHD, I just don't know enough about the particular natural and herbal options for the treatment of ADD and ADHD now to inform anyone of it, or if there are even any viable and/or promising alternatives out there to report on yet. More to come as I put my investigators cap on.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Herbal Mood Enhancers? The Natural Cure for Depression?

Do you know there are millions of Americans today currently on serious narcotics and drugs for the treatment and curing of depression? Narcotics and drugs which have potentially serious and life threatening side effects - even the potential to plunge people into an even more severe depression, and even create suicidal tendencies? To me, prescription antidepressants are not to be taken lightly, and should ONLY be taken by those that suffer severe depression, anxiety and stress who are also going through cognitive phsychotherapy along with the administration of a antidepressants. Other than that, in my opinion, antidepressants are overprescribed and over trusted, and they lead to a myriad of other problems. Herbal Mood Enhancers - the Antidepressant Benefits of Nature There is currently an effective & safe natural remedy for calming anxiety and depression, especially seasonal (temporary) depression that is related to a particular time (season) or event (such as a difficult personal issue or particularly stressful periods) in life. It works by stabilizing key chemicals in the brain that trigger feelings of anxiety and depressed mood.There are also lifestyle tips that will help you fight depression, immediately elevate and enhance mood, and alleviate anxiety and stress. Yoga, forms of slow dance, tai chi, and other meditation-type exercise is also an excellent way to manage stress, anxiety and depression. These types of meditative exercises promote healthy bodily functions, a healthy state of mind, and mental focus, which are key factors in supporting a healthy sense of well being and peace. If you have a desk job, make it a point to get up and walk around once every hour. Inactivity is one of the biggest perpetuators of depression and anxiety. The human body was designed to be in frequent motion, not to sit all day. So go, get a drink of water, walk some stairs, or take a little walk outside whenever you get the opportunity. You'll be amazed by what physical activity will do for your mental state. Lastly, take some time for yourself. Every night, take a little time out of your schedule for yourself. Whether it is reading a book, writing in a diary or journal, taking a walk outside,or doing anything else you enjoy, just do it. Getting a little dose of genuine joy in your day is truly the key to being a happy and well-balanced individual.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

9 Facts Everyone Should Know About Herbal and Home Remedies

9 Facts Everyone Should Know About Herbal and Home Remedies
By Emily Clark
In the last few years herbal remedies have become very popular as an alternative treatment for a variety of illnesses and health issues. Natural health stores have popped up from coast to coast and are now quite predominant on the internet as well. Herbal remedies are offered as a treatment for everything from the common cold to more serious health issues such as cancer. Before you rush out to purchase herbal remedies, there are a few things you should know about herbal remedies, their effectiveness and possible dangers and risks that you may encounter by taking them.One of the most important facts about herbal remedies that consumers should be aware of is the fact that, unlike other treatments, they are governed by any governmental agency. This means there is no quality assurance system in place to insure that the herbal remedy product you purchase contains nothing that would harm you, or even works for that matter. Many herbal remedies are advertised with amazing claims of effectiveness and some even come with reported clinical trials to back up those claims. What consumers are generally unaware of is that the suggested clinical trials were performed by the marketer themselves, and not a non-biased third party lab. This means that the herbal remedy may be no more effective than a sugar pill.Furthermore, quite a few herbal remedies have adverse affects whey combined with other medications; particularly prescription meds. This information is generally not released by the marketer of the herbal remedy and it’s highly possible that a consumer would never know they were ingesting a deadly cocktail by mixing an herbal remedy with the medicine prescribed to them by their doctor. A surprising number of herbal remedies, including St. John’s wort, Ginko biloba and Ginseng have very dangerous side effects when mixed with antidepressants. Ginko biloba has been known to cause problems with bleeding and could be particularly dangerous for someone about to undergo surgery or who is already taking any type of blood thinning medication. As frightening as these facts are; consumers rarely get this information from the labels of herbal remedies.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration specifically prohibits the manufacturers and marketers of herbal remedies from claiming that their product is able to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any kind of disease or illness. This doesn’t stop many companies from coming as close to that line as possible; or even going over it. Consumers should be wary of any herbal remedy that claims any of the above. Herbal remedies can provide positive benefits when used carefully and wisely. Consumers can safely use herbal remedies by taking the time to research the product, its effectiveness and drug interactions. Also remember to thoroughly read the product label. Some companies attempt to increase their profit margin by including fillers, such as sand, with the product. If you aren’t sure whether an herbal remedy will interact negatively with the medications you are already taking, ask your physician. He or she will be able to let you know whether you can safely take the product or not.The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program. Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on many medical, health and lifestyle topics. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Monday, February 06, 2006

Purity Standards in Herbal Supplements - The Hoodia Example

Herbal supplement purity standards and "grades" are extremely important in the world of herbal medicine, natural, cures, and alternative treatments. If a product is "watered down" or drastically altered from it's natural state, it's efficacy (effectiveness for its intended purpose in the human body) can be greatly diminished. A perfect example of this is the African cactus called hoodia gordonii, which has recently gotten oodles of media focus for it's natural appetite suppressing powers and subsequent weight loss benefits. Pure hoodia extract and powder was found to have a potent molecule which sent signals to the human brain of fullness of the stomach, and not to eat any more, staving off appetite, and resulting in a related weight loss and effective appetite suppression for those who consumed it in its pure and intended form. The Hoodia herbal supplement only works to reduce appetite in it's purest form, ground up and dried , with no additives whatsoever and minimal processing. Anything other than the pure form did not have the same appetite-suppressing qualities as the true, pure form of the plantat its highest grade. Hoodia is just one example of a "fad" cure. There are many other herbal medicines that fall into this same category of reliance on purity and grading to be effective enough in the human body to fulfill the products promise. Herbal supplements designed for other purposes, such as depression, pain relief, increased brain function and focus, anti aging and skin supplements and more, are ALL subject to this same standard of purity. If a natural health product is not pure and minimally processed, you might as well be throwing your hard earned money away - it most likely will not achieve it's advertised feature. There are a lot of natural cures that really are a waste of money, hope and time because they are not processed correctly, the manufacturers use the incorrect part of the plant that is intended to cure an ailment, or are watered down, more cheaply made imitations of the real thing. As with everything else in life, higher quality usually comes with a higher price tag. You should always read the labels and look for fillers you may not recognize. The names of neutral fillers, or inactive ingredients are supposed to be labeled accordingly, but are not always, so take notice, and try to be as informed a consumer as possible when shopping for natural health products. If a natural remedy is not labeled as 100% natural, you are probably getting more filler ingredients than you bargained for, as well as a reduced purity of the active herbal ingredient itself.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Natural Cures and Herbal Supplements - Are They Safe?

A lot of people are wary of herbal remedies and natural supplements due to a degree of skepticism instilled in part by the medical community, and doubt cast on several products of unethical manufacturers making outrageous claims or substituting harmful ingredients and calling them "all natural" supplements when in fact they are severely diluted, of a poor quality, old, or simply an ineffective combination to do what the product claims it can do. Natural cures, herbal supplements, and other forms of alternative medicinal (naturopathic remedies) seem to be almost an enigma - kind of like a pipe dream to some. SO, do natural cures and supplements really work, or are they just an urban legend of sorts, craftily manipulated by large corporations who have mastered the art of hype and publicity to sell you some products that may not work at all, or have sold an idea but not delivered the goods as far as effectiveness and reliability? Are herbal medicines and "miracle cures" merely a figment of one's imagination in hopes that they really can cure what ails them naturally, without potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals and narcotic drugs? The fact is, there are such an over abundance of herbal products today, it's nearly impossible to choose one that will be the most effective and is formulated with the highest purity standards. Or is it? Well, while you do have to keep an eye out for the fishy products with outrageous claims of being "miracle cures" (there is no such thing as a miracle cure or all powerful healing ingredient that heals everything) , there are definitely some very reputable, very effective and worthwhile alternatives to traditional medicine to be had. This blog is about uncovering those remedies, and seeing what works and what doesn't discussing products that have found to be unsafe of ineffective, and discussing the merits and downsides of herbal therapy.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations

Before we get into any specific herbal treatments, natural cures, natural supplements, or alternative medicines, I really want to focus on a series of articles and thoughts on the general idea behind herbal medicine, holistic medicine, natural alternatives or whatever you may call it. There are many terms that this philosophy goes by, and likewise there are many different uses for this type of ancient technology that seems so simple on its face, and yet is so complex in nature. The bottom line is, nature creates perfection, and we as the human race can benefit from that greatly. That's what alternative medicine is all about... read on.

Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations
The Idea Behind Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations Instead of Traditional Medicine is Gaining Popularity:
Alternative medicine is gaining more attention every day. The idea that one can heal their body, prevent physical symptoms and even treat them - naturally - is very appealing. It is especially appealing in the wake of some alarming findings on popular prescription medications which resulted in them being pulled from shelves due to health hazards. While one should still approach alternative medicine withcaution and thorough research, natural cures, remedies and herbal preparations still should be considered when researching the best options for treating various physical ailments that impact your quality of life. Still regarded with some skepticism in the medical community,there are undeniably some truly remarkable and tangible benefits to be garnered from herbal preparations, as testified by many users of the array of natural health products available today. Herbal remedies and alternative medicines can help treat and alleviate symptoms ranging from pain and menopause to acne and depression. Users of these herbal preparations and remedies most commonly are those who are health conscious, have had adverse reactions to traditional medications, or just have a holistic mindset and approach to their mental and physical health, longevity and proactivity in prevention.

Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations

Before we get into any specific herbal treatments, natural cures, natural supplements, or alternative medicines, I really want to focus on a series of articles and thoughts on the general idea behind herbal medicine, holistic medicine, natural alternatives or whatever you may call it. There are many terms that this philosophy goes by, and likewise there are many different uses for this type of ancient technology that seems so simple on its face, and yet is so complex in nature. The bottom line is, nature creates perfection, and we as the human race can benefit from that greatly. That's what alternative medicine is all about... read on.

Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations
The Idea Behind Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations Instead of Traditional Medicine is Gaining Popularity:
Alternative medicine is gaining more attention every day. The idea that one can heal their body, prevent physical symptoms and even treat them - naturally - is very appealing. It is especially appealing in the wake of some alarming findings on popular prescription medications which resulted in them being pulled from shelves due to health hazards. While one should still approach alternative medicine withcaution and thorough research, natural cures, remedies and herbal preparations still should be considered when researching the best options for treating various physical ailments that impact your quality of life. Still regarded with some skepticism in the medical community,there are undeniably some truly remarkable and tangible benefits to be garnered from herbal preparations, as testified by many users of the array of natural health products available today. Herbal remedies and alternative medicines can help treat and alleviate symptoms ranging from pain and menopause to acne and depression. Users of these herbal preparations and remedies most commonly are those who are health conscious, have had adverse reactions to traditional medications, or just have a holistic mindset and approach to their mental and physical health, longevity and proactivity in prevention.

Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations

Before we get into any specific herbal treatments, natural cures, natural supplements, or alternative medicines, I really want to focus on a series of articles and thoughts on the general idea behind herbal medicine, holistic medicine, natural alternatives or whatever you may call it. There are many terms that this philosophy goes by, and likewise there are many different uses for this type of ancient technology that seems so simple on its face, and yet is so complex in nature. The bottom line is, nature creates perfection, and we as the human race can benefit from that greatly. That's what alternative medicine is all about... read on.

Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations
The Idea Behind Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations Instead of Traditional Medicine is Gaining Popularity:
Alternative medicine is gaining more attention every day. The idea that one can heal their body, prevent physical symptoms and even treat them - naturally - is very appealing. It is especially appealing in the wake of some alarming findings on popular prescription medications which resulted in them being pulled from shelves due to health hazards. While one should still approach alternative medicine withcaution and thorough research, natural cures, remedies and herbal preparations still should be considered when researching the best options for treating various physical ailments that impact your quality of life. Still regarded with some skepticism in the medical community,there are undeniably some truly remarkable and tangible benefits to be garnered from herbal preparations, as testified by many users of the array of natural health products available today. Herbal remedies and alternative medicines can help treat and alleviate symptoms ranging from pain and menopause to acne and depression. Users of these herbal preparations and remedies most commonly are those who are health conscious, have had adverse reactions to traditional medications, or just have a holistic mindset and approach to their mental and physical health, longevity and proactivity in prevention.

Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations

Before we get into any specific herbal treatments, natural cures, natural supplements, or alternative medicines, I really want to focus on a series of articles and thoughts on the general idea behind herbal medicine, holistic medicine, natural alternatives or whatever you may call it. There are many terms that this philosophy goes by, and likewise there are many different uses for this type of ancient technology that seems so simple on its face, and yet is so complex in nature. The bottom line is, nature creates perfection, and we as the human race can benefit from that greatly. That's what alternative medicine is all about... read on.

Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations
The Idea Behind Alternative Medicine and Herbal Preparations Instead of Traditional Medicine is Gaining Popularity:
Alternative medicine is gaining more attention every day. The idea that one can heal their body, prevent physical symptoms and even treat them - naturally - is very appealing. It is especially appealing in the wake of some alarming findings on popular prescription medications which resulted in them being pulled from shelves due to health hazards. While one should still approach alternative medicine withcaution and thorough research, natural cures, remedies and herbal preparations still should be considered when researching the best options for treating various physical ailments that impact your quality of life. Still regarded with some skepticism in the medical community,there are undeniably some truly remarkable and tangible benefits to be garnered from herbal preparations, as testified by many users of the array of natural health products available today. Herbal remedies and alternative medicines can help treat and alleviate symptoms ranging from pain and menopause to acne and depression. Users of these herbal preparations and remedies most commonly are those who are health conscious, have had adverse reactions to traditional medications, or just have a holistic mindset and approach to their mental and physical health, longevity and proactivity in prevention.