Weight Loss Herbs Cont - Herbal Phentermine?
You've probably all heard of Phentermine or the infamous Fen Phen, which was a deadly combination of weight loss pharmaceuticals which resulted in a wave of bad publicity for the drug after several people taking the drug had severe heart problems and even died as a direct result of the drug. The thing is, they did lose weight - and in many cases a lot of weight, but it also was so damaging to the heart that many people started cropping up with health complaints. After years of this weight loss drug being banned, some companies have come up with an herbal alternative to Fen Phen, dubbed herbal phentermine. These phentermine alternatives are supposed to be a safe alternative to the likes of Fen Phen for women and men needing to lose a lot of weight. Here are the benefits of Herbal Phentermine over the Real thing: An excellent all natural appetite suppressant
- Produces exceptional results in its users.
- Noticeably and consistently curbs cravings, stabilizes the mood and blood sugar
- Feedback from people who have used the products had extremely positive feedback about its effectiveness.
- Only 2 of the natural pills a day are administered. The company actually recommends only taking one per day if you initially have any difficulty sleeping if your second dosage is too close to your personal bedtime.
- No stimulants such as caffeine which may cause nausea or dizziness (or moodiness). No Ma Huang or Ephedra.
- The time release formula is madeto work all day long, until you go to bed.
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